Arlene Martinez (aka La Colora) is one of the leading influencers in the Latin music space. Her insightful understanding of Latin urban music industry, consumer taste and the evolution of the genre have made her a respected voice in that music field. Not surprisingly, she is on first name basis and holds social media conversations with the leading figures of reggaeton. During her stay in Los Angeles, she witnessed the evolution of the genre and covered Calibash from its inception to the last edition, now the leading urban music concert in that city. Living in Los Angeles allowed her to expand into other entertainment fields but music has always been her passion.
Now residing in Colorado, her voice continues to be a bicoastal force with national presence. Being a mother of millennial children and a military spouse, she is uniquely experienced and has had relationships with various brands and companies.
El día de mañana el cantautor colombiano, ganador de multiples Grammy y Latin Grammy JUANES, quien recientemente se presentó ante 12 mil personas con tremendo éxito en la Movistar Arena de su natal Colombia, y que además recibió hace unas semanas el Premio Internacional de la Paz 2022 “Por Su Dedicación al Empoderamiento de los Jóvenes y la Paz”, encabezará el FIN DE SEMANA DE LA MÚSICA INTERNACIONAL dentro del MIAMI BEACH LIVE un evento que celebra la música, arte y cultura de MIAMI BEACH.
Durante este fin de semana, también se presentarán junto a Juanes Nudeco Ensemble con Cimafunk y Antibalas. Películas en la playa y una Zona Familiar son otras de las actividades que se podrán disfrutar durante el “Fin de Semana de la Música Internacional” como parte del MIAMI BEACH LIVE .Consulta todo el calendario de actividades AQUÍ.